Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Friday, September 09, 2005

First Blog Ever

Welcome to my blog! I'm going to be ranting and raving about the new TV season, the fall line-up of movies (Oscar hopefuls and not-so-hopefuls) and anything else that comes to mind.

When it comes to the new TV season, so far I've seen Prison Break, and while I'm not completely hooked yet, I'm definitely going to give it a chance. I've got Rome on TIVO but haven't gotten there yet - hopefully this weekend. Last night I TIVO'd Reunion, which looks promising. Other new shows I am psyched to try out: Invasion, Threshold, Surface, Kitchen Confidential, How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural...

And of course, all I can think about is LOST! Season premiere September 21st. I just got Season 1 on DVD and can't wait to get into it and check out the extras. I'll be posting my reactions and maybe brief recaps on Thursdays, I hope.

The one bummer about Lost is that it's on opposite my other favorite show of last year, Veronica Mars. I'll be taping VM and can hardly wait to see what happens to her next.

Other returning shows I'm looking forward to - Gilmore Girls, Nip/Tuck...not a lot of others. Definitely giving up on ER now - last year was so horrible. 24 doesn't return until January, so I'll be waiting for that - there's an example of a show that improved greatly in its fourth year - not a typical occurence.

Next blog will be a wrap-up of the hot summer documentaries...I saw Grizzly Man last week and I'm still thinking about it...tomorrow I'm seeing Murderball!


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