Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Lost DVD

Just a quick note on the Lost Season 1 DVD.  It’s great!  I haven’t watched any of the episodes with commentary yet, but I’ve been poking around in the bonus features and it’s a blast.  They spend quite a bit of time on the creation of and preparation for the pilot, which was essentially on the scale of a feature film.  Interesting insights into the casting process.  Obviously they knew all along that at some point, a DVD was a possibility, so there’s lots of making-of footage.  A particular highlight has to do with boar wrangling.  The first boars they got were local, untrained animals, and they had zero interest in chasing anyone or acting fierce.  There’s hilarious footage of Charlie, aka Dominic Monaghan, trying to get a boar to chase him, while the boar noses around in the grass and ignores Dominic completely.  So, for the later episode involving Sawyer and a boar he is convinced is out to get him, they brought trained animals from the U.S. mainland.  Sawyer, aka Josh Holloway, had to run through a field over and over again while the boar’s trainer encouraged him to give chase.  At one point, Josh slumps against a fence and announces, “This is boar-ing.”  Ha!  I love a good pun once in a while.

The other thing that made me laugh out loud was a clip from the Jimmy Kimmel show.  I’m no fan of Jimmy, but he went to the Lost set and had some really funny moments with the cast.  The best part was when he discovers the identity of the island monster…trust me, you need to see it!


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