Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Gilmore Girls is Back!

Last night’s season premiere of Gilmore Girls was quite good.  I am concerned that Lorelai isn’t going to go through with the marriage, of course, especially since she made the decision at the worst possible moment and is obviously in deep denial about what’s happening with Rory.  The latter’s transformation into a rich, spoiled brat seems to be complete – but it IS more interesting dramatically than the always perfect child she usually is.  I loved it when Emily (and her maid) woke Rory up in the morning and began bustling around, drawing a bath and providing her with organic pastries.  I guess we’ve got to believe that Rory is really getting sucked into the lifestyle her grandparents have to offer.  That scene with Logan and his shallow, uninteresting friends was tedious, though – the Rory we know and love would never enjoy hanging around with people like that.  Meanwhile, Paris of course steals the whole show in her two scenes.  Her interaction with Luke was priceless!  Speaking of Luke/Scott Patterson, is it my imagination, or has he dyed his hair?  It looked remarkably reddish-blond to me.  The other supporting characters were also great, as usual – Kirk with the rings he gets from wooing lonely women, and especially Sally Struthers, as she runs frantically down the street to ask Luke about the Rory/Lorelai rift.  The look on her face when Kirk eyed her engagement ring was fantastic.

I’m definitely on board and looking forward to a season full of conflict.


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