Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Rory's Birthday

Let’s start with the good things about this episode.  First of all, it was better than last week’s – although that’s not saying much.  But the best thing was that they actually showed us the conversation with Lorelai and Richard, essentially starting right from the point where last week left off.  I had really feared they wouldn’t show us that scene, which would be typical – so often the Palladinos leave us out of important moments.  And we needed to see how frustrated and upset Lorelai was for the rest of the episode to make sense.   I give her credit, for once she wasn’t selfish.  She didn’t gloat over the fact that Richard admitted his failure.  All she was thinking of was Rory.  Other good things – Paris!  Doyle!  Lane!  Although not enough of any of them.  Great scene when Paris tells Rory that she’s the new editor of the Yale Daily News.  Rory was so crushed, even though she has no one but herself to blame.  (and Logan).  (and Logan’s dad). I can’t believe Lane had never been to the Gilmore’s house, or met Logan.  Some best friend you are, Rory.  Best line of the ep: Luke’s comment, upon tasting a hideous pink drink that Emily had created in honor of Rory: “It tastes like My Little Pony.”  It was also really funny when Rory told the minister that the ship of her “virtue” had sailed long ago.  And I’m glad that there was some ice-thawing between Rory and Lorelai, although they both have a lot to say before it’s over.  Excellent scene with Richard, hiding out and brooding on his failure, and telling Emily that they’ve lost Rory. And Madeline Albright!  I knew she’d be in the ep, but didn’t expect her to be in Rory’s dream, recreating a scene from season 1.

Bad things about the ep – inconsistency.  Like when Emily invited Rory for dinner, Rory said that the only meals she had for weeks were super-sized.  But in the previous scene, she and Logan had just been out for Sri Lankan food.  There was something else that bugged me but of course I can’t think of it now. Anyway, I hate to pick on the details, but it’s a show about a family who does that all the time!  Someone should tell Rory to stop pinning her bangs back.  We’re all so glad she finally got bangs – leave them alone!  I wish they had showed us the minister telling Emily and Richard that Rory is sleeping with Logan. I hated Lorelai’s outfit – what was that shrug thing doing?  And I missed seeing Paul Anka.

Previews – if Jess is what it takes to snap Rory out of her DAR-working, Logan-loving, poolhouse-living, non-Yale-attending ways, then so be it.


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