Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

From the Sublime to the Just Plain Awful

After all the zip and zing of last week's episode, this one was a real letdown.  In fact, I thought it was a dreadful episode.  I really had thought from the preview that Emily and Richard were going to bust in on Rory and Logan - and after what Rory told them during the episode about how the relationship wasn't serious, they'd be completely freaked to find out she was sleeping with him.  Instead, they spent half the episode talking about the damn Birkin bag.  The whole thing about renaming the streets was lame, and the part with Emily sending things to Lorelai made no sense - especially when Emily said she was getting rid of the dollhouse.  Why didn't Lorelai just tell her to ship it to her like she'd been doing with all the other junk?  The fact that Lorelai didn’t say that really bothered me.  Wouldn’t that have been the first thing she would have said?  The dialogue in this show is generally so precise that when it doesn’t make sense, it really stands out.  

And Rory just acted like an empty headed ditz throughout.  She and Logan have no chemistry at all, and this whole season he appears to be sleep-walking. Perhaps it’s the constant drinking.  The character seems very different from last year.  Is he supposed to be grumpy or depressed because he’s worried about Rory?  I definitely don’t get that impression.  But in his interactions with people that he certainly should know how to talk to (the DAR ladies, Emily and Richard) he acts like he’s never held a polite conversation before.  

Richard and Emily did make me laugh a couple of times – as when he pointed out to her that when she snooped in Lorelai’s room back in the day, she should have looked under the Tootsie Rolls she found.  But after their brilliance of last week, they just didn’t have a chance to shine.

The one good moment was at the end, when Richard brought Lorelai the dollhouse and wanted to talk.  I just hope they don’t cheat us out of actually seeing that conversation!

I hope the Rory birthday episode is a heck of a lot better.  


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