Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Monday, September 26, 2005

New TV Thrills & Chills

Now that I’ve seen at least the premieres of the new supernatural/alien/kooky mystery shows, I’m ready to pick a winner!  And the winner is…I’m not sure yet.  After the riveting two-part premiere of Threshold, I was all set to make a declaration.  But I felt that the episode from Friday was weak – relying too much on Carla Gugino’s charms and not enough on her great supporting cast.  I hope they are not always going to be limited to standing around in the lab or the office while she charges around getting herself into trouble.  Peter Dinklage is such a terrific actor!  If you haven’t seen The Station Agent, you must.  And the dialogue is frequently weak, especially Carla’s – lines like, “What’s risk management without a little risk?” and “Whatever that guy’s on makes PCP look like baby aspirin” are definitely not propelling the show to a higher level of quality.  She even looked a little embarrassed after she delivered that last one.

I’m also not 100% convinced about Invasion either – it’s definitely got a good cast, high marks for setting up an intriguing situation, and an excellent sense of place.  The Florida Everglades has an inherent creepy quality about it, and post-hurricane, it seems even more desolate and its inhabitants more vulnerable.  I’m staying open to the possibilities, but it ain’t no Lost.

And that’s probably the problem with all these new dramas – they are trying too hard to be either Lost, The X-Files, or a combination of both.  Supernatural went ahead and directly referenced X-Files in the first episode, and clearly is striving for that mix of an overarching mystery combined with monsters-of-the-week.  Right now, I’d say the only thing making the show worthwhile is Jensen Ackles, who positively crackles with charisma.  He’s a TV star.

Jury’s out on Surface, too – I thought the premiere was pretty interesting, but I’m afraid the monster(s), whatever they are, looked a little silly.  Don’t show too much until the third act – didn’t you people see Jaws?  But I’m interested enough to keep watching for a while – I don’t want to fall in love too much with any of these shows in case they get cancelled.  


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