Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Lost...and Found

Three weeks until the next episode!!  Three weeks until we find out who dies!!  I can’t stand it.  Possibly they are doing this because the World Series will be on Fox, but it still makes no sense to me.  You’d think they’d want to keep the momentum going right into November sweeps.  Anyway, pins and needles time until November 9th.  I will be devastated no matter what character dies, unless it’s Shannon, I couldn’t care less about her.  But everyone else is so important and so great in their unique way.  I can’t imagine the show without Charlie, or Locke, or Sawyer, or Michael, or any of them.

Anyway – I felt like this show was a bit slow, overall – I didn’t feel like I learned a lot more.  I thought it was really funny that Sawyer speculated that Ana Lucia and her friends had eaten the other tail section survivors, since several people I know thought the same thing!  But I guess now we know that the others killed them, after Jin and Echo came across that body in the jungle.  

How weird was that when they hid and watched the others walk by?  I kept waiting for a scrawny pair of bare African American legs to walk by and Jin to want to jump out of the bushes to grab Walt.  But no…however, that teddy bear tied to a stick was creepy!  

Jin and Sun’s flashback was very nice – as usual, they are both tremendous actors and Sun especially is so graceful.  Poor Jin – that was so harsh when the guy he was interviewing with told him that he could smell the fish on him.  All he wanted was to escape his past and work hard for a better life.  Instead he has to open the door for people who wouldn’t stop to spit on him.  I did feel for a minute there like Sun’s boyfriend was really a decent guy – but when he told her he just wanted to use her as a cover, it was so sad.  Her dress in that scene was fabulous though!

And all her scenes with various people who talked to her about her lost ring – Jack, Locke, Hurley, and Kate – were great.  Poor Hurley – he tried so hard to make conversation with her!  And I thought what Locke had to say to her about his anger and frustration was interesting.  Always the philosopher…he found himself when he stopped looking.  Well, and when his plane crashed on a magical island and he was able to walk again!  That might have had something to do with it.  I love him though.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…but meanwhile, lots to discuss!


Blogger EllenJC said...

Word on the street for months has been that another major character is being killed off. And the word was that it was a woman, but who knows if that's true.

Jin said, "You find Walt, Michael." What he meant was, you WILL find Walt. Just not right now. And I guess Michael realized that Jin was right and that tearing around the jungle yelling was not helping.

For plot advancement, I am trying hard to think of which character would make sense to kill. It can't be Sawyer, because he needs to heat up the Kate-Jack-Ana-Lucia triangle. Plus, he's an anti-hero and the show needs that.

I suppose Michael could die, but then we wouldn't get the Walt-Michael reunion that we need!

11:50 AM  
Blogger EllenJC said...

I don't know, but I liked the bald suitor, he was cute and seemed great! I thought he was going to tell Sun that he was really gay and that was why he wanted them to pretend to date.

Yeah, and Shannon, inexplicably, has a movie career now. I'd say so long and good riddance!

I miss Sayid...he has barely been in two scenes so far.

4:31 PM  

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