Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Lost Death Toll

Victim: Pilot
What Was His Story: Flew the plane, was trying to get the plane to Fiji when it crashed.
Cause of Death: Eaten by a huge and as-yet unseen monster.
Survivors: 48 survivors on the beach – the pilot didn’t live long enough to be counted among them.

Victim: U.S. Marshall
What Was His Story: Arrested Kate for an as-yet unknown crime in Australia, apparently after a long search. He was bringing her back to the U.S.
Cause of Death: Dying from a large piece of shrapnel in his belly, badly shot by Sawyer in a misguided attempt to put him out of his misery, and finally suffocated by Jack.
Survivors: 47 left.

Victim: Joanne
What Was Her Story: We never met her, and neither did Jack, but she had been scuba diving in Australia when she got an ear infection and changed her flight to come home early. Survived the crash.
Cause of Death: Drowning.
Survivors: 46 left.

Victim: Shannon
What Was Her Story: A selfish, whiny bitch who slept with her step-brother. Ick!
Cause of Death: Chomped on by giant, still unseen monster.
Survivors: Still 46 left because, unfortunately, it was all a drug-induced hallucination. Rats.

Victim: Scott
What Was His Story: A nice, ordinary guy. Everybody confused him with Steve, another nice, ordinary guy.
Cause of Death: Ethan broke his neck and apparently several other bones as well.
Survivors: 45 left.

Victim: Ethan
What Was His Story: Hurley uncovered the fact that Ethan was not on the passenger list – and therefore was already on the island and just blended in with the castaways…for a sinister purpose. He kidnapped Claire and Charlie, hung Charlie from a tree, and then after Claire apparently escaped from him, he told Charlie that he would kill one person every day until Claire was returned to him.
Cause of Death: After he was captured by Jack, Sawyer, Locke, Sayid, and Kate, Charlie shot him multiple times with the gun that Jack dropped.
Survivors: 44 left.

Victim: Boone
What Was His Story: Boone was a rich young man with a whiny, bratty stepsister, Shannon (see above).
Cause of Death: Locke and Boone discovered a mysterious hatch out in the jungle. Locke convinced Boone that they should keep it a secret. After Locke had a bizarre dream about a small plane crashing, he made Boone go with him to find it. They discovered it hanging in a tree – Boone climbed up to check it out, found Virgin Mary statues full of heroin, and a working radio. As he was attempting to communicate with someone over the radio, the plane fell out of the tree and Boone was fatally injured. Locke carried him back to the caves, where Jack desperately attempted to save him. Boone’s injuries were too severe and he died.
Survivors: 43 original survivors left, plus one newborn baby.

Victim: Arzt
What Was His Story: Arzt was a high school science teacher.
Cause of Death: He went out into the jungle with Kate, Locke, Jack and Danielle to find the dynamite in the hold of the Black Rock, because he said he knew how to handle it. Unfortunately, as he was explaining to them how dangerous dynamite is, he blew himself up.
Survivors: 42 plus the baby, Aaron.

Victim: Shannon
What Was Her Story: Shannon was a whiny, selfish bitch (see above) who redeemed herself somewhat by taking care of Walt’s dog, Vincent, and trying to find Walt after the boy appeared to her twice. She and Sayid fell in love.
Cause of Death: Shannon was accidentally shot by Ana Lucia, one of the tailies, who mistook her for one of the others.
Survivors: 41 plus the baby, Aaron, plus four tailies, for a new total of 46.


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