Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lost is Back!

Finally!  So glad it’s back. Mr. Eko, we hardly knew ya.  What a fascinating background – and how amazing is it that the Beechcraft plane was flying drugs for him from Nigeria, and that he himself was supposed to be on it?  And that he found his brother’s body inside the plane??  And that he became a “priest” by accident – but when Charlie asked him, “Are you a priest or not?”, he put on the cross and said, “Yes, I am a priest.”  

He and Locke are so amazing – men of faith.  My friend Amy thinks that they are the black and white opponents that Locke was talking about way back when he introduced Walt to backgammon.  But they are so similar…although now we know that Mr. Eko has done horrible things in his past.

So much ground to cover…Charlie is such a jerk for lying to Claire, and such a loser for stashing those Virgin Mary statues.  Methinks I see a downward spiral coming.

Chemistry between Hurley and Libby?  A much-need haircut for Sawyer, although it looks like what he really needs is a shower – and now they have one in the hatch!  How nice was that when Jin and Sun brought fish to Ana Lucia.  

And Michael, learning how to shoot from Locke, because Locke thought he was lurking in the hatch to try to get a gun.  But in truth, he was trying to get on the computer so he could communicate with “Walt.”  It seems pretty clear that the person he is really talking to is one of the others.  And it looks like next week’s episode will be another edge-of-the-seat ride!


Blogger EllenJC said...

Why do you think that he wasn't on the Oceanic flight? He was definitely in the water when the tail section crashed.

10:27 AM  
Blogger EllenJC said...

Well, that's just it, it's completely fate. He would have ended up on the island in that earlier crash if he hadn't been pushed out of the plane by the gold tooth guy. It seems that the island is his destiny (just like Locke said).

10:35 AM  

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