Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Gilmore Valentine

It’s tough to be a New Englander and watch this show sometimes.  They always get the details wrong!  For example, the description Lorelai had of the Vineyard as a former whaling town was actually Nantucket!  And when they went to the gym - I'm sure they have gyms on the Vineyard, but they probably don't look like that!

Other details were off too, although I argued with myself over the fact that Luke had never eaten lobster.  I could almost buy that it fit the character.  But then again, Luke is a cook.  And in an episode from last season, he took over cooking gourmet-style for Sookie at the inn, so it seems kind of unlikely that he would never have encountered lobster before.
I found Rory to be acting very superficially.  Just taking all these riches for granted. As an astute friend of mine (who happens to work at the WB) pointed out, “Six weeks in Asia like it's no big deal?  Gourmet cooking like she didn't grow up with tater tots and pop tarts?  Whose money is she spending - Christopher's or Logan's?” I totally agree - suddenly Rory knows how to cook?  And more importantly, WANTS to cook?  Also, good question on the money.  I always found it a little too convenient that she had these wealthy grandparents - but that worked for the whole Gilmore dynamic, the strain between Lorelai and her parents, her desire to escape from their world.  But nowadays - between Rory’s filthy rich boyfriend and her suddenly filthy rich's all just too much.

I did think it was good when Mitchum showed up and found Lorelai and Luke in bed, and then reamed Logan out.  Good drama.  I ALMOST felt sorry for Logan. 
But - another thing that bothered me was that Lorelai didn't realize that there was no way Luke and Logan had time to go out and buy that jewelry - or that she didn't wonder where exactly on the island they would have gone.  Obviously, that lie is going to come back and bite Luke in the bum.  When will TV characters ever learn??

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Heath at SAG - Update

A good friend sent me this update on Heath Ledger’s behavior at the SAG awards.  Finally some acknowledgement of what happened!  I find it very hard to believe that he "just" found out they were going to be presenting.  Obviously that would have been planned.  I still think he's an immature jerk.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Childish and Pathetic Heath Ledger

Just have to say a quick word about Heath Ledger’s behavior at the SAG awards on Sunday night.  I finally found a little bit of coverage about it (thanks,!) but I’m surprised that there wasn’t a lot more talk about.  Basically, he and Jake Gyllenhal came out to present an award.  Heath put his hand on his hip in a very girly-man kind of way.  Then he started giggling and from there, acted like a twelve-year old whose teacher mentioned Lake Titicaca.  Talk about immature – and insulting to people who felt that his portrayal of a gay man was sensitive and heartfelt.  I can’t believe this same guy was capable of that incredible performance.  Poor Jake, who looked like a waiter, struggled to keep a grip and show a little class while reading his lines.  But if I were him, I would have punched Heath in the head backstage.  And if I were Michelle Williams, I’d wipe that worshipful look off my face and think twice about the kind of man I was with.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Oscar Nominations!

It’s that time again – time to panic because I haven’t seen all the nominated films!  Actually, I’m quite pleased that I’ve seen and really loved all the Best Picture nominees – Capote, Crash, Brokeback Mountain, Good Night and Good Luck, and Munich.  Loved all the best actors too, and really pleased to see Terrence Howard get in there for Hustle & Flow (there was really no need for Russell Crowe to get yet another nomination playing yet another good guy with no depth).  I’ve still got to scramble a bit to see all the best actress performances…but I think it’s between Reese and Felicity anyway.  Reese won SAG, so who knows…but I’d like to think Felicity has a real chance.  

I’m frustrated because some of the movies I haven’t seen yet won’t be on DVD until after the Oscars!  A History of Violence, Howl’s Moving Castle…I’m hoping that in the case of H of V, they might give it a brief re-release since it picked up two noms…but probably not.  And I’m seriously bummed that Grizzly Man, still my pick for best film of the year, was not considered for the documentary category.  Glad that Murderball made it, though!

More on this topic to come…

Emily and Richard are back!

Since I had heard so much about the Friday night dinner, I thought it was going to take up a lot more of this episode – especially since the title was “Friday Night’s All Right for Fightin’.”  But, the dinner itself was a bit jarring, due to the way that it was shot.  What was said was really important, but the camera swinging from one end of the dinner table to another was very distracting.  Not sure it was a success.  Although the part where Emily was recounting the incident when she told off Logan’s mom was great!

I’m annoyed that Rory is taking Logan back so happily…I feel badly for Paris and I hope somebody does something to help her to get a grip.  I wish Doyle had shown up and coaxed her out of her foxhole.  But it was good to see Rory take charge and act like the capable person we know she is.

Poor Lorelai…great acting on Lauren Graham’s part as Lorelai struggles to deal with her emotions and Luke obliviously blithers on about his daughter.   Good stuff all around.