Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Random TV Thoughts

Some random thoughts from the week of television:

So glad Veronica Mars is back!!  Great, great premiere.  The writing on that show is top-notch.  I deeply wish that it was not on opposite Lost this year, it’s complicating my lifestyle.  But it did very well in the ratings in the new slot – I’m happy for VM, but that means they won’t move it from Wednesdays at 9:00.  Oh well.  The main thing is that we now know who it was at the door – Logan, although Veronica at first thought it was someone else, I’m thinking Duncan.  Logan did some freaky things last year when he was angry and messed-up, I can’t imagine what he’ll do this year.  Oh wait – maybe cause a school bus to go off a cliff because he thinks Veronica and Duncan are on it?  Hard to say, but that was literally a cliffhanging ending.

Smallville – watched the season premiere primarily to see James Marsters, aka Spike – but alas, he didn’t show up until the last five seconds!  It was quite an appearance, though. Overall I’d say the energy level is way up on that show, and it’s packing a bigger punch now that Clark is not such a cheery dope.  

Over on Invasion, I have to say they need to not try so hard to be like Lost.  Right down to the music cues!  Cut it out, guys.  And I’m sorry but NOBODY, not even a hefty, wise-cracking character, gets to say, “Dude” at the sight of something startling or strange except Hurley.  But otherwise, that show is really quite good, and I’m definitely curious as to what’s up, particularly with the chilling William Fichtner as the sheriff who may or may not be an alien!  

Supernatural was good this week, better than last week with the creature in the woods story.  This week it was a creature in the water story, but Amy Acker from Angel made it more interesting.  Unfortunately, having Dean and Sam blow in and out of different towns each week is going to get both old and tired soon, I fear.  

Gilmore Girls – everyone’s hair looked FABULOUS this week, except for Sookie.  Why do they do that to her?  But Emily’s hair looked like it had been worked on for hours.  And they’ve finally given Rory bangs, which she has desperately needed since season 1.  I’m glad they made her witness the freshman orientation at Yale, and then cut to the DAR initiation, where she was the youngest person by 30 years.  Loved Lane and the band, loved Paris – but I wish they would show her with Doyle, they’re going to be living together and I was looking for some Jonathan!  


Blogger Unknown said...

James Marsters without a fake English accent is taking a lot more getting used to than I would have imagined. Spike was an intriguing character on Buffy, but that well-acted uniqueness has him quite typecast in my mind. I am interested to see how his character holds up.

4:39 PM  
Blogger EllenJC said...

I agree, it's SO weird to see him with brown hair and an American accent. His English accent was so believable. But I like him as a professor, and obviously this relationship with Clark has potential, or would if Clark didn't seem so dense.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes! The brown hair too - how wicked bizzah is that?! And I agree, his accent was believably done well enough for his American accent to now seem fake to me. Ever hear any song from his (real life) band? Not too shabby!

Oh yes, Clark *is* dense. And not just the ploy of dense, but truly dense. A definite turn-off to what started as a well done comic book translation.

I have to admit, Spikes appearance on Smallville is what brought me back to the show (jeesh, I don't even know his characters name). I became bored with Sv last season, but was intrigued to return to the flock with the introduction of Spike and Aquaman.

And hey, I'm not into guys or anything, but what's the deal with Aquaman being way buffer than Superman? Yet another thing that is already throwing me off the show again - but I love his instant animosity toward Lex.

10:04 PM  
Blogger EllenJC said...

I had to laugh because there's already all this gay subtext to Smallville, and then Aquaman, the gayest guy ever to combine orange and green, shows up. Despite the forced romance with Lois, he had way more chemistry with Clark and Lex. Television Without Pity does great recaps of Smallville, in which the guy alerts his readers to the Gayest Look of the Episode. Hilarious.

10:03 AM  

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