Film & TV Rants & Raves

This blog consists of my rantings and ravings about movies and TV shows that I love (or hate). I’ve studied film at Harvard, Boston University, and the Cambridge School for Adult Education, and taught film studies as well. I’ve got lots of strong opinions, so look for them here!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

So Many Questions

What the heck happened about the wedding announcement in the paper that ended the previous episode?  I hate the way there’s no follow-up on things.  Nor, apparently, any memory at all in many cases.  

Anyway – I have many questions.  Why did Lorelai remind Luke about Rory’s journalism panel, and warn him that Christopher would be there, only to have Luke not show up and Lorelai never seems to notice?   Why didn’t she tell Luke that she was baby-sitting Gigi, after the fight they had over Christopher calling her last fall?  Not that it mattered because she and Luke never interacted again for the rest of the episode and he never even found out that Gigi practically destroyed the house he’s worked so hard on.

Why did Rory so eagerly get back together with Logan?  What does he really have to offer her?  I couldn’t believe it when she happily reminded him not to forget his flask before setting out for his sister’s wedding rehearsal.  Does she enjoy having an alcoholic boyfriend?  Codependent no more, Rory!  And was she really all that shocked that he was a total scumbag while they were “spending time apart”?  She knows what a shallow jerk he is.  Oy.  I just couldn’t feel sorry for her – especially since I read that Logan is signed up for next season, so I know with a feeling of dread that this latest breakup is not going to last.

If Doyle still works at the Yale Daily News, why wasn’t he around during the Paris-crashes-and-burns episode, the one where they barely got the paper out?  Or the episode where the staff decides to fire Paris and hire Rory?   We need more Doyle, not less – he would have added so much to those episodes, considering that we know nothing and care little about the rest of the staffers.

And, to top it off, WHY did Lane say yes when Zach proposed??  Why, why, why??  She’s not a stupid woman.  She’s a bright, talented woman.  Why does she want to marry a stupid, immature man?   Ugh.  Just awful.  I can almost understand Gil and Brian forgiving Zach – they’re guys, and they just want to play music.  But Lane could have a bright future!  Why do they create these awesome female characters and then force them to accept unworthy men rather than be single?

My favorite part of the episode – and one of the only parts I truly loved – was when Zach finds Gil and Brian playing “Hollaback Girl” at a bat mitzvah.  I tell ya, I’ll take Sebastian Bach over Gwen Stefani any day.  And when Gil told Zach, “You’re at the very bottom of my bogus bag, and it’s Ziplocked tight!” I thought I would die laughing.


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